Send Us Your Stories!


This site is devoted to the natural healing and relief that people like you with Parkinson’s Disease have experienced.  All the content here is voluntarily submitted and is not warranted or authorized in any fashion.  The intent of this site is not to be an advertising venue for any product or system, but rather, it is a purely information based site.  I ask that people who make submissions limit the mentioning of a product name or web address to once per article.  As with any suggestion regarding illness, it is advisable to consult your doctor before doing any changes to your current medically related habits.

If you wish to submit an article or testimonial, it may be advisable to give it a title and short summary paragraph at the beginning.  Long articles will be truncated so only the first paragraph or some portion of it will show on the screen.  A link is provided to bring forward the rest of the article.

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