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Effect of Stem Enhance, Stem Flo, and GABA on Tremors and Related Symptoms

By Douglas W. Lindstrom, Ph.D. · May 19th, 2009

On December 18, 2007, I was given the news that I shared more in common with Michael J. Fox than just being born in Canada.  I first noticed very minor symptoms such as a mild hand tremor as early as 2001.  At that time the medical consensus was that I had Benign Essential Tremors, like it was thought my maternal grandfather had.  In January 2008, I came across a product called Stem Enhance (manufactured by Stem Tech Inc.) and started taking four grams (eight capsules) of the product daily in doses of two capsules every four hours.

As a scientist, I wanted to monitor the effect of Stem Enhance on my body in a more quantitative fashion than just saying yes I feel better or no I don’t.  To establish a measurement scale, I listed the symptoms that a neurologist observed in December 2007, and established a semi-objective numerical scale for each.  The total symptom was then the sum of the individual ratings, monitored on a daily basis. I estimated a maximum and minimum perceived level every few days for each symptom, then took the average of the daily totals of minimum and maximum to arrive at a mean daily rating.

This rating system is shown in Table 1. A zero rating indicates no symptom whatsoever.  A rating of three is the maximum disability level I was willing to contemplate.  I did not feel that I could reliably break the rating into smaller levels based on a subjective impression for each symptom. I was also experiencing “restless leg syndrome” and poor sleeping patterns.  I had these symptoms prior to 2001 however so have ignored them in this analysis.

Table 1.  Rating  System

Symptom Level 0 1 2 3
left hand tremor level none <1/2 inch 1/2 – 1 inch >1 inch
left hand mobility excellent poor typing tough for playing music disabled
left hand lock-up/pain none slight moderate immobile
head tremors none slight moderate severe
shuffling none slight moderate severe
depression none impatience/sadness anger/frustration despair
clarity of thought perfect slight poor reasoning very foggy

Graph 1  Symptom Level Improvement

Graph 1 illustrates the total mean symptom level starting in 2004 and progressing to April 2009.  An average perceived symptom level of nine was experienced in mid 2006.  At that time I was diagnosed with stress induced depression and “burn-out” and had to leave work.  A slight improvement in the total symptom level as a result of a reduced stress level was observed.  I was prescribed L-Dopa to raise my dopamine levels in mid-2007 in an effort to lower the level of hand tremors.  The effects of this drug on had tremors was noticeable, but below the level of monitoring based on the measurement scale shown in Table 1.

I began taking Stem Enhance on the ninth of January 2008.  In less that a week, the  symptom level dropped from eight to about four and has slowly dropped to a level of about one-half to one over a period of about two years. A minor increase in symptom level was experienced at the end of January 2007.  I was running short of Stem Enhance and reduced my daily consumption to four capsules.  The effect showed up on the second day of the reduced product level.  Another minor increase was noted in mid-February when I was experiencing a few particularly stressful days.

I visited the Neurologist in June 0f 2008 and he saw a definite improvement in me.  At that time, all of the symptoms had either been reduced or disappeared.  I had earlier (in April) gone off anti-depressants, on the advise of a doctor, after taking them for fourteen years.  The symptoms that remained at that time were, left hand tremors, head tremors, left shoulder stiffness, and left hand lack of coordination

I started taking Stem Flo in October 2008.  The intent of this product is to clean the capillaries in the body allowing a better transport of adult stem cells into the surrounding tissue. At the same time I started taking GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) on the advise of a doctor of naturopathic medicine. It is a natural neurotransmitter and is thought to reduce the amount of dopamine required for proper nerve functioning.   The effects were to decrease the overall symptom level to about 0.5.  The only symptom remaining today is a slight hand tremor that happens about a third to half of my waking time, particular when I am stressed, tired, or hungry.  Relaxation, rest, exercise, and food selection and quality seems usually to reduce this to nearly zero.

May 16, 2009

6 Responses to “Effect of Stem Enhance, Stem Flo, and GABA on Tremors and Related Symptoms”

  1. Dear Sir,
    There are a lot of conflicting information about Stem enhance. Some testimonials seem to be cooked up and the paucity of clinical trials create further doubts. Are you aware of any new research/trials about this product ?

  2. I was diagnosed with PD approximately three years ago. By March of 2007, I was about 11-12 on your rating scale. That is when I started taking StemEnhance at a 4 caps/day level which I increased to 6 caps/day about a year ago. As of 7/09, I would say that I am usually about at 0-1. I am convinced that I owe the improvement to the release of adult stem cells from my own body.

  3. Frank
    How are you doing withbstem enhance? I am still with the product, but they did have to increase the sine met dosage last spring. Am trying stem equine currently, not quite as effective as the stem enhance. I am also trying a ginseng/royal jelly product which seemsvto help.
    The best email tO get me at is
    Take care

  4. I take StemEnhance myself with remarkable benefits…..but I am looking for more information for the help achieved by others suffering with Parkinsons Disease……thankyou

  5. Thanks for the response. I check the Internet. For instance, there is a clinic in Vancouer Canada that claims to reverse this disease with extracts of Siberian ginseng. I am going to see them on my way home from the south in early April. Because I now have to take twelve stem enhance a day, to cut costs I look for alternatives. I am trying stem equine for horses at about a third the cost, but the jury is still out on this.
    There is also a book byDr. Jill Marjama-Dons called What your doctor never golds you about parkinson’s disease.
    Hope this helps.
    Sorry for taking so long to reply. I hardly ever check this email basket.

  6. Rojer Chavez

    I have been taking Stemehnace for a week now to help my mild parkinson’s and knee arthritis. First off, I noticed that my thumb, which had been sore for year, was completely healed in three days. My knees are definitely feeling better, and I can stand for greater periods of time after just one week. I can feel swirls of energy in my brain after I take stemenhance. I heard about this product a year ago but I was skeptical. After reading enough testimonials, I decided to try it, and it is nothing short of miraculous in my estimation.